Monday, May 31, 2010

No baby is an island

Goodness me, you can hardly keep that Baby Zoe off the water these days!  Today we took a fast boat from Long Wharf to Georges Island, one of several islands that dot Boston Harbor.  In half an hour we were whisked away from downtown to this small and slightly eerie island, which is the home of Fort Warren - a huge and forbidding pentagonal fort built at vast expense but that never saw a shot fired.  Being a Devlin, Eamon went straight to jail (he did not pass Go), although he claims it was actually field research for his new role as an IMB member for HMP Pentonville

The site was made slightly more creepy by the fact that, whilst it is hot and sunny (at last!), there is a blanket of foggy Canadian smoke resting over Massachussetts* and so every vista was seen through a misty haze. 

Georges Island and Spectacle Island both boast toilet facilities, but that's about the extent of the luxuries available.  We didn't realise this and, as the Starbucks on Long Wharf was devoid of anything remotely nutritious for us to take with us, we headed straight for The Chart House upon our return to the Hub for some lobster-based fare. Zoe had saved her bottle until the end of the trip, thereby ensuring we didn't repeat the baby/vomit interface that is the inevitable consequence of a formula feed combined with choppy waters

* Alors, another example of how Les Canadiens suck

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