Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trade Marks Rock My World

Sad, but true. Inadvisable as it may be to write about work on the internet, I cannot let this blog ignore the excitement caused by the descent of virtually every IP lawyer on the planet on Boston.  Hold onto your lanyards folks, INTA is here!  And Boston has risen to the challenge by turning up the heat and bringing out the sun. 

I first went to INTA in 2005, when the meeting was in San Diego. It was an exhausting but tremendous experience. One highlight was my beachside bungalow on Coronado Island, which sadly I didn't see too much of as I was in meetings and at parties for about 18 hours a day.  Such is the INTA experience.  Business cards fly through the air, in-house lawyers are chased around cocktail receptions, dodgy-looking trade mark agents snog each other at the Corsearch party, and everyone goes home on the verge of exhaustion but looking forward to the shennanigans of next year. 

Tomorrow I've got some meetings and a lunch, so Daddy will be babysitting whilst Mummy goes to work for a change!  And on Tuesday when I have meetings Zoe will head to daycare for some networking opportunities of her own.  I am really looking forward to seeing some old friends (but not looking forward to having to get dressed smartly - the dress code on maternity leave certainly beats my working wardrobe), and showing them beautiful Boston.  However, this year I plan to spend a little less time swapping business cards with drunk Nicaraguans at midnight and a bit more time at home with Zoe.  It's just a shame we aren't staying in a beachside bungalow so we can enjoy the sunshine to the full!

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