Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baby Gourmet

Little Zozo has made some great strides in the last few weeks.  She can just about sit up on her own, can stand when supported, is making word-type noises, knows her name straight away, recognises mummy and daddy and is much more mobile on her front and side.  However, this has come at some cost - she is also getting wise to mummy's clever tricks to get her to sleep and has realised it's far more fun to stay up, with the possibility of cuddles and food!  The girl who rivalled Rip Van Winkle's love of Bedfordshire has been waking up as much as 6 times a night, often flipped over with her legs stuck in the bars of her cot, and it's left me slightly delirious from lack of sleep. 

Anyway, on a more positive note, Zoe seems to be getting the hang of eating!  Milk feeds just don't do it for her any more so hopefully we can start to fill her up with other stuff during the day and she might sleep better.  Whilst my fellow Isis moms are busy buying Beabas, I am ashamed to say my copy of Annabel Karmel is gathering dust under the TV and I still haven't worked out how to use my food mill.  Instead, Zoe has been practising redecorating our apartment with Earth's Best organic baby food.  I have to say the rice cereal was a complete waste of time - Zoe would grimace every time it touched her lips - but she seems to like pears, apples, sweet potato, carrots and (taking after her Granny), prunes.  Zoe also loved sucking banana from her fresh food teether -  although parents, beware! - it produces banana puree of such stickiness it will need to be chiselled off the highchair with a pneumatic drill.  Curiously, peas and apricots are not popular at all with Zozo, and so the quest for filling food continues. 

As you can see from the photo Aunty Loo-sey had fun feeding Zoe when she was here, although experienced parents may notice Zoe is pretty much naked under her bib, which makes for a much easier post-puree hose-down.  As she gets into her bath shortly after her evening meal, I have found  myself wondering whether it would in fact be easier to cut out the middle man and just feed her in the bath.*  After all, it would be hard to make as much of a mess of the bathroom as her daddy sometimes does (and she is now, sadly, a bit too big for the kitchen sink). 

*Yesterday Bridget found prune in Zoe's hair from the day before.  THE SHAME. 

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