Friday, May 21, 2010

Picnic on a summer's day

Over the last two weeks or so I have been suffering (and I mean suffering) with horrific hayfever and blocked sinuses.  Having lived all my life in London and having enjoyed a few fags in my time, I pride myself on having a respiratory system that can cope with the odd fume and foreign object.  However, my body has been taken completely by surprise by the (abundant) tree pollen in Boston and has begun producing industrial quantities of snot, a sore nose and painful, blocked sinuses. 

Therefore, a trip to the Arnold Arboretum yesterday should have resulted in death by hayfever.  However, the magnificent Dr Rick gave me some very noisy adjustments in the morning (who knew my back, ribs and neck could make so much noise?) and promised that I would begin to feel better.  I felt lightheaded at first, that's for sure, but I do believe it did help me as I was able to spend the afternoon surrounded by trees and plants and only need to blow my nose a couple of times. 

The Arboretum is by the Jamaica Plain area of Boston, which seems from my brief trip a very nice area to live indeed.  I guess the Arboretum would be the Boston equivalent of Kew Gardens, but on a smaller scale.  It is a lovely, lovely place to go on a sunny day. 

We went with Katie & Josie and ate a picnic on the grass under a shady tree.  The babies really enjoyed it and it was so sweet to watch them laughing at each other and trying to pull each other's bonnets off.  Zoe was less sweet in the car on the way home and decided to have a complete meltdown, but even that, and the pesky hayfever, could not put a dampner on what was a truly lovely day.

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