Friday, April 9, 2010

Who does she look like?

When Zoe was born she was a tiny version of Eamon. But as she's got bigger & bigger she's changed so much it's hard to know who she looks like now. I reckon Zoe's quite the little Shaw, with her grey/blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

I cannot believe how much Zoe has changed from the teeny baby we brought home in November last year. Almost everyday she does something new. She is learning to sit up, she can grab her feet now, and tummy time isn't such a torture anymore - in fact she pushes herself right up and flips herself over! For Zoe's fan club, I am trying very hard to capture the feet grabbing and will post a picture as soon as I can.

At the moment Zoe is spark out asleep on our bed, and has been for the last 2 hours. That little girl knows how best to spend a grey & rainy afternoon, something she definitely gets from me.

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