Friday, April 2, 2010

Here comes the sun!

The sun is out! Much rejoicing chez Devlin and an opportunity to head out for a long walk by the river with a new friend from our baby group. Zoe decided to show off to the other baby by learning to suck her thumb. And NOISILY. The dummy is now redundant and the front of her dresses are permanently soaked with dribble. Nice!

Boston is suddenly alive with green & the trees have burst into bud. It is also alive with weirdos as there is an Anime convention at the Hynes Center and it is hard to get anywhere without tripping over a greenhaired geek in full costume. I really wanted to take a photo because they all looked so totally bonkers and unusual (and some looked like they hadn't seen the sun in a few years)*, but was put off asking by the samurai swords and goth boots many of them were sporting. So instead you get a picture of what I think is a cyclamen tree in the Public Gardens.

*A lot of geeks are going to be "gettin' it" tonight I can tell you

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