Saturday, April 17, 2010

Didn't she do well!

On Friday Zoe spent her first afternoon in daycare.  That's nursery in English.  It was a nerve-wracking experience for all involved apart from Zoe, who took to the experience with aplomb.  We had all visited the centre beforehand and were really impressed by how nice the staff were and how happy the kids seemed.  

I was worried that Zoe might get upset and not like being with strangers, but I was very proud (and slightly crushed) to learn she had had a terrific afternoon and enjoyed being with other babies and small children.  She came home with her first ever school report, which details the highs (food) & lows (diapering) of her day.  In particular, I was happy to learn "Zoe was very intrigued by the textured balls of the rainbow ribbons".  Blimey, I'm pretty intrigued about them myself now. 

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