Friday, April 30, 2010


Day 3 of my 10 day "spring cleanse".  Day 1 was properly horrible; whilst I had cleared the shelves at Whole Foods, I hadn't prepared any food and raw kale doesn't exactly lend itself to a quick & tasty snack opportunity.  Day 2 was worse as I felt very tired and had a stonking headache.  I was also famished and think I ate 4 baked potatoes to try and keep the hunger at bay.  In the afternoon we met up with our new friend Maggie & her baby Josie in Brookline and we had lunch in the unfortunately named Temptations Cafe.  Just looking at the "donut muffin" made me want to cry.  Last night the following dilemma presented itself.  Gaaaaahhhhhh......

Today I am feeling much better and after yoga and shiatsu this morning (and despite a lot of bollocks about chi and my spleen meridian), I feel positively uplifted.  So, as Zoe was in daycare (on an outing to see the seals at the Aquarium!), I spent even more money at Whole Foods and have spent lunchtime cooking like a crazy vegan who's just spent their holiday at a Texas steakhouse.  Now, I just need to stop craving a cup of PG Tips and those pesky 2 bite brownies and I should be on course to make it through the next 7/8 days. 

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