Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A nice cup of tea

In Boston "Tea Party" means many things.  Of course it means the great brew-up in Boston Harbor of 1773.  It can also mean a genteel afternoon of cakes and sandwiches with the nobs of Beacon Hill.  Today, however, it meant the arrival onto Boston Common of the far right "constitutionalists" and their cheerleader-in-chief Sarah Palin

This morning on my way back from chiro I saw a group of them clutching their Gasden Flags on their way to hear La Palin's dulcet tones.  They were all male, all had mullets and had parked their pick-up slap in the middle of Cambridge Street, taking excellent advantage of their disabled parking permit (although they all looked pretty feisty to me).  Zoe & I studiously avoided the Common all day.  So many angry people with access to firearms in one place is not the place for a baby.

Poor Barack is getting a pretty tough time of it over here. Healthcare reform was a bit of a fiasco and there is a perception that the banks are being financially supported at the expense of honest-Joe taxpayers.  Even here in liberal Massachusetts they have recently replaced the redoubtable Ted Kennedy with a Republican

However, much of the media has a liberal agenda and so it was quite a joy to see Bill Maher on ABC this evening, a man who believes that if Sarah Palin went on Jeopardy she would achieve the lowest ever score.  I actually think she would tie for bottom with the rednecks with the pick up because even I know that their disabled permit won't stop them getting a ticket on a weekday on Cambridge Street.

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