Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Fun, US-style

Phew, wot a scorcher it has been here in Boston these last few days.  Today it hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit (I think that's around 35 degrees in normal).  Walking outside at 11 this morning was like walking into an oven.

It was also lovely and warm this weekend, when we were able to celebrate our first Independence Day as Statesiders. Each year in Boston there is a big concert at the Hatch Shell on the Esplanade, followed by fireworks.  Happily, we live right by the river and so were able to enjoy the fireworks from just outside our building. 

Obviously, we were feeling a little nervous about being a couple of Brits in a nest of patriotic colonials, so Helen, Bill and Eve came over to boost numbers.  We "grilled" (trans. barbecue) our lunch at the communal "grilling area" whilst the babies had a little frolic on the grass.  We also had a good few beers and enjoyed the company of our equally alcoholic neighbours, Chris and Jessica, whom we pestered all evening for vital provisions, such as corkscrews and tonic water.  In fact, we were having such a lovely time I totally forgot to take any pictures, but here's one of the two girls in their red, white and blue 4th July finery. 

Photo (c) Helen Jenkins, Eve's dress from Waiyee Poon Jones, Zoë's onesie by the Boston Red Sox

Luckily, Helen did take some lovely pictures, which you can find here at her tremendous new blog. 

As you can imagine, we were feeling a little sketchy the next day.  Bill and Helen tried to tempt us to join them at the Boston Chowderfest, but in all fairness clam chowder in the baking heat is not a well-known hangover cure (although fair play to them!), so when we finally managed to drag ourselves out of the flat we headed to the pool. 

When we first found out that our new Boston apartment had a pool we were very excited.  It transpired that the pool was in fact outdoors, which in the early days of our stay was a distinctly unappealing prospect.  Actually, the pool was supposed to open on Memorial Day Weekend but some (unknown) piss-artist* threw a bottle over their balcony smashing glass all over the pool area and it took Equity a quite astonishing 6 weeks to fix all the resulting problems. 

Zoë's swimsuit courtesy of Aunty Loo-sey, fashion guru

Turns out a swim is a great hangover cure and a failsafe method of tiring out your baby.  Zoë had a lovely time in the pool with her daddy, followed by a mega-nap in the shade.  It's also a marvellous way to cool off after a day wandering around Boston in the baking heat, so tonight when Eamon surprised us by getting home before 6pm we headed straight to the pool for a cooling dip.  Now that's something we'll miss doing when we're back home in Swiss Cottage!

Boston or Benidorm?

* The pool is located by the Longfellow buildings so no Asteria residents are suspects (phew!). 

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