Friday, July 23, 2010

Lists, lists, stuff, hairdos, PANIC

There's a lot to do before we check out of our apartment next Saturday morning.  I feel tired just thinking about making a to-do list.  Then there's the exhaustive list of items required by customs for the stuff that is being shipped home (I have done quite a lot of shopping, it's true). Unfortunately my attempts to flog Zoë's baby gear have been a bit hit and miss.  To date I still have no takers for the swing of doom and various other bits and pieces that we don't need to or can't take home, so next week I'll have to take a bunch of "lightly used" stuff to the Salvation Army on Mass Ave. 

I meant to get a lot of list-making done today, and maybe even some packing.  Zoë spent the day hanging out at daycare* and meeting her daddy's co-workers.  In the time available to me I managed a limited but nonetheless enjoyable list of activities.  Principally, I spent a whopping three and a half hours with Francisco getting my hair done and generally hanging out and chatting. 

I also managed to purchase a suitcase, get a dress for a wedding we're going to in September and buy some overpriced fish in Whole Foods.  What the bloody hell is she doing doing buying MORE STUFF when she can barely get a handle on the stuff she already owns, I hear you cry?  So, to make myself feel slightly less guilty when I got home I sat down and made the damn list and it only served to make me panic even more looking at all the crap I have to do before next Saturday.  Shiiiiiit!!!

* Zoë's teacher's dad came in to the nursery today with a guitar and a violin and apparently she was completely enthralled and even started banging in time with the music!

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