Friday, March 26, 2010

Come back Michael Fish, all is forgiven

Don't let any New Englander give you a hard time about the British weather; the climate here in Boston is ridiculous. Since we have arrived we have experienced snow, torrential rain, baking sunshine and gale force winds. Yesterday I was strolling along Boylston Street in a t-shirt; this morning it was snowing and this afternoon the sun has come out! How do you get dressed for weather this schizophrenic? And more to the point, how do you dress a tiny baby with no ability to regulate her body temperature?

To compound the problem I have no idea how to work the air conditioning unit. Although the British weather is frequently shit, at least we have gas central heating for when it's cold and windows that open when it's hot. And don't even get me started on the 1950's style twintub washing machine.....

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