Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Es-Cape-ades Part 1

A concerned Zozo blog follower* has been in touch to request that I post an update IMMEDIATELY, or face losing my entire readership.  Unfortunately for you lot the place we were staying this last week on the Cape had no tinterweb, as well as no 'phone and no TV.  It was bloody marvellous.  So now you get a week's worth of excitement in one post, with perhaps another to follow tomorrow, when I've had some sleep.

This last week has been notable for two things - the unique place where we were staying and the astonishing strides made by Baby Zoë. 

Hot on the heels of her triumph with the sippy cup, Zoë has, at last, finally got the hang of eating.  Ever since she turned 6 months we have been persevering with twice daily feeding sessions, with mixed results.  Some days she would happily polish off half a jar of pear or sweet potato (her favourites), other days she would moodily smear butternut squash all over her Bumbo, the table, her hair, my clothes, etc. and petulantly purse her mouth and shake her head at the approach of any spoon. 

Hooray and cheers then for Babies "R" Us in Hyannis, where Mum & I bought Zoë a chair to hang off the side of the table.  It is totally genius.  She LOVES that chair and will pretty much eat anything presented to her, but only when she is in the chair (apart from rice & lentil - but who can blame her, it tastes as bad as it looks).

Zoë has also been making all the signs of a baby about to crawl.  Because of her torticollis tummy time has always been hard for her and her gross motor skills were slightly delayed.  Now Zoë can sit up sturdily all by herself and has started to lunge forward to grab things (her stacking cups, Tolo the cow, my hair), and will lean forward on her arms and rock her bum to and fro.  Advanced attempts at forward movement have resulted in tremendous face-plants, but as she seems uninterested in a commando-style crawl I can hold off from babyproofing the apartment for now. 

Finally, in this last week Zoë has spent some quality time with her Shaw grandparents, which she has really enjoyed.  They have learnt the golden rule (no napping after 4 pm), and she has learnt to blow bubbles, built her first sandcastle and had her first swim - all of which activities are far more fun than, say, watching Wimbledon on the telly, reading emails and writing blogs. 

* Aunty Loo-sey

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