Saturday, June 19, 2010

A quick update...

... for all you Zozo fans out there on the tinterweb.  Grannies (and a Grandpa) have been descending en masse and so Zoë has been extremely busy entertaining them and giving them all a few more grey hairs with her cheeky shennanigans.  

I will post a proper update soon, but in the meantime here are some pictures of Zoë and her bestest friend Josie.  They went to the beach today and they had THE BEST TIME. 

Zoë in her Peapod tent

Josie thought Zoë looked lonely, so invited her over to her tent for an intensive rings and stacking cup session (Josie's thinking "Dude, what's with those sunglasses?! You wanna get a funky hat like mine!") 

Crane Beach

2 knackered little girls

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