Saturday, June 19, 2010

So much to do, so little time!

As regular readers will know, Zoë has been hosting her Granny Devlin over the past week.  Here are some pictorial highlights. 

Zoë and Kay, both equally unimpressed by the hideous furniture

Zoë in her charity shop hat waiting for the bus.  I like to think that as a pensioner in 90 years time she'll be doing exactly the same thing. 

We went on an Upper Deck Tour* and Zoë managed about an hour on the bus before she had enough of the inane commentary from our beyond-whimsical tour guide ("Oh, now I bought a shirt in that shop once", "My house is just down there", "Isn't it great to live in Massachussetts, so many meetings of enquiring minds?").  Shut up fool, this baby wants hard facts about land reclamation in the 19th century. 

Two incredibly attractive Redsox fans on a cloudy day in Boston Harbor

Actually, the historical harbour cruise was very good, it was just a shame the weather was so shite.  True to form the Channel 7 weatherbimbo had got it wrong, advising it would be sunny in the morning with thunderstorms in the afternoon.  What we actually got was cold and gloomy in the morning, sunny and bright in the afternoon.  Moron. 

My favourite piece of information from the very knowledgable and not-at-all-whimsical guide on our cruise, aside from learning that Spectacle Island is in fact one ginormous rubbish dump, is that the largest copyrighted work IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD, the Rainbow Swash, sits just across the water from Southie in Dorchester.  Now I understand why INTA came to Boston.** 

Zoë enjoying her first chip.  Quick, call social services....

Dinner at Scampo.  It was AMAZING. Guess what, I had lobster....

Granny Kay has now flown to Philadelphia to visit Great Aunt Alice.  Granny and Grandpa Shaw have taken her place in the spare room.  If they want to go on an Upper Deck Tour I'm afraid they will be on their own, but I would be more than happy to accompany them on a trip to see a giant gas canister in Dorchester. 

* Try the link, it honks!
** I can't believe those pansies at Wikipedia haven't the balls to publish a picture of "The Swash".

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