Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sandy Pants

Baby Zoë and her entourage are enjoying a well-earned vacation at the Cape, in a beautiful house atop a hill between Newcomb Hollow and Gull Pond.  When we arrived at the beach we found this little gypsy encampment.  How they were allowed to erect this eyesore without an official beach sticker I don't know. 

Zoë seems to have got into the beach groove now, and is happy to sit in her little tent and play with her toys, or sleep, at least for an hour or so.  Any longer and she gets a bit too hot and bothered (I know the feeling).  The sea is still a little too cold for her tiny tootsies, but both her intrepid grandparents took a dip in the Atlantic.  I took the opportunity whilst Zoë was napping to read a book (a sorely missed pastime of yesteryear) and seem to have brought half the beach home in my bikini bottoms.  Yay!

In today's other news, Zoë finally took a proper drink from a sippy cup.  Turns out the old fashioned kind is the best!

More pics and updates from the Cape soon, when wifi allows. 

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