Friday, May 14, 2010

Now we are 6 (months)

Yesterday was Zoe's 6 month birthday.  This weekend we are going to try her with solid food for the first time. I say "solid", but the rice cereal actually has the consistency of a McDonald's milkshake.  And I say "try" because at the first few attempts I anticipate more rice cereal ending up on the floor/me/Eamon/ceiling than in Zoe's mouth and down her throat. 

Last weekend Claire kindly gave us a copy of Annabel Karmel's "New Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner".  Living in northwest London and having worked at SJ Berwin for a number of years, I was aware of Ms Karmel's work and devoted following amongst the yummy mummy set.  It's actually an extremely useful book with lots of information about weaning and what foods to give your baby.  There are also lots of recipes I might try, although I am somewhat hampered by the limited equipment in our corporate-furnished kitchen. In Marriott's opinion we need 2 can openers (one electric, one manual), a corkscrew and a drip coffee machine.  I don't know what this says about the kind of people that generally stay in corporate furnished accommodation, but I am guessing pureeing brussel sprouts isn't high on their list of leisure activities. Therefore I am going to go to Magic Beans today and get a baby food mill. 

My constant consumerism doesn't stop there however.  I was right about our buggy getting knackered on the brick pavements. So, as a 1/2 birthday present for me Zoe, we got a new stroller. It's big and hideous, but it's like driving a Rolls Royce whereas before we were driving a rusty Fiat Panda with a broken axle. 

As you can see Zoe's absolutely delighted with her new mode of transport. 

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