Saturday, March 13, 2010

Beautiful Beacon Hill

We are lucky to be staying close to the amenities & charm of the Beacon Hill area of Boston. Beacon Hill is the place where in the 19th century the posh Bostonians built their redbrick houses, leaving the waterfront area behind. It is a grid of brick-pavemented streets*, gas lamps, rickety doorways, wrought iron balconies and extremely limited parking. It is proud to be a friendly community that is almost cut off from the rest of Boston, and a place where everyone knows your name (the bar that inspired Cheers is on Beacon Street by the Public Gardens).

Charles Street is the main street of Beacon Hill and it is lined with twee boutiques that call themselves things like "framery" and "clothier". The oldest US Post Office is on Charles Street. It has got away with only two branches of Starbucks and NO Dunkin' Donuts (in Boston that is quite astonishing)!

Some famous people live in Beacon Hill, including John Kerry, who lives in Louisburg Square (top picture), and the supermodel Gisele. It is also where Matt Damon lived in the film The Depaahted (that's the non-rhotic way of saying it). Gisele is married to an extremely famous and beloved american footballer called Tom Brady (NOT to be confused with Tom Daley the diminutive diver), and this morning I think I stood next to him in the queue at Starbucks! I thought it might be him because everyone was staring at him and he was carrying a baby boy in a Baby Bjorn, and I knew they had had a baby at the end of last year. And obviously I then came home & Googled him. A certain NCT friend of ours will be very excited to hear this. But I am still quite a way from from being Gisele's NBF.

As well as getting "adjusted" by Dr Rick (cohort and helpmeet of Dr Chris) today, I had my hair cut at Adela's by the magnificently camp Francisco and his boyfriend Gilson. I knew it was my kind of place when I walked in at 4 pm, they immediately offered me beer and comiserated with me about my dramatic post-pregnancy hairloss. And do you know that they made me look so fabulously young that I was asked for ID when I tried to buy a bottle of wine on the way home!? That's a pretty bloody marvellous hairdo.

* Not buggy friendly - our stylish Chicco will be knackered by the end of April. Now I know why all the moms 'round here drive ugly buggies that look like reinforced wheelchairs.

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