Friday, March 19, 2010

O! The misery!

Zoe had her 3rd lot of immunisations yesterday. Much woe ensued.

Despite being told by the doc 2 weeks ago he could do them in accordance with the UK schedule, he decided not to give her the Meningitis C shot after all, so now the hunt is on for a paediatrician that can so Zoe doesn't miss this booster and have to start over again when we get home (thanks Helen & Bill for your help). The same doctor also told us we could start to wean her already, which I am kind of surprised about. My NCT friends suspect collusion between the US babyfood manufacturers and the paediatricians. I think I'll wait, not least because I don't think I could cope with cleaning and sterilising even more feeding equipment.

After the hospital Zoe and I went to Starbucks and I had a soy cappuccino and she had a Calpol chaser. We checked out the Charles River Plaza sports club, and had a stroll by the river. However, when we got home all hell broke loose! The Calpol had worn off and the poor wee girl was in floods of tears, screaming and crying, and she was very hot and sweaty. And then, in the middle of it all, she learnt to sit up! (with some help from Daddy, of course).

Anyway, we had a pretty crappy/wakeful night, and today are staying close to home as Zoe is still cranky. Let's hope she's better again soon as this weekend is going to be beautiful and there's a lot of Boston still to explore....

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