Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Zoe

Happy Easter! Which in Boston means no bank holidays, an awful lot of candy and Easter baskets and the "opening night" of the baseball season with the beloved Red Sox taking on their arch rivals, the NY Yankees. This year it has also meant some AWESOME weather, so we hit the streets of the Back Bay on a pilgrimage to Fenway Park, home of the mighty Sox*.

It was also a very sociable weekend for us; colleagues of Eamon very kindly invited us to dinner on Saturday and also to lunch on Sunday. We have been made to feel very welcome and it has been great to see other areas of Boston. On Sunday we took an $80 cab ride (!) to Needham, a town about 10 miles west of Boston. It is basically Desperate Housewives made real - every road looks like Wisteria Lane, all the cars are big & shiny, all the kids have braces on their teeth, all the ladies are trim and groomed. We enjoyed a sumptuous Easter spread until Zoe, who had dressed in her prettiest party dress to honour the occasion, finally got fed up with the taffeta and it was time for a swift exit.

Zoe has found Easter a little hard; the drooling has reached rabid levels and she is also gnawing on anything she can lay her hands on. I really wish the Easter Bunny had brought her some teeth at last instead of a dose of nappy rash! Although I am very glad he brought such delicious candy for her Mummy & Daddy.... Yummy!

* I haven't a clue about baseball although I am reliably informed by Bridget at the chiropractor that games can go on for 5/6 hours! FYI the Red Sox won, so there was much rejoicing in Beantown last night.

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