What I hadn't bargained for was her dramatic reaction to the formula we were recommended to try in the US (SMA not being available). The poor thing has been in torments! She hasn't had any more of the stuff since yesterday but I've only just managed to get her off to sleep after a particularly ferocious screaming session this evening*. Poor neighbours, but most of all poor Zoe!
We are off to see the paediatrician on Thursday & it can't come soon enough. What can I feed her if she cannot stomach the formula here? What can I do to help her when she has gutache so bad she's screaming like a banshee?
I have a feeling that the arrival of the Devlin family will spell paydirt for Boston's various medical professionals and a rise in the firm's medical insurance permiums (more later about Eamon's teeth - I have to put up with constantly hearing about them & now so can you). Perhaps if I spend all day riding the lift I can make friends with some of the doctors in the building & get a discount? Or will they look askance at me and whisper behind their hands "that's the British lady from the 10th floor with the REALLY noisy baby"?
* I won't lie to you, I drugged her with Calpol.
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